Public Educational Materials for Lamasco, Indiana
The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) retained CRA to complete a series of mitigation requirements resulting from a highway improvement program. Among other things, these requirements stipulated that INDOT would develop public educational materials interpreting the history of Lamasco, Indiana, which was historically an important residential, commercial, and industrial center that contributed to the growth of the City of Evansville.
In researching, documenting, and interpreting the evolution of Lamasco from the 19th century to the present, CRA undertook extensive archival research and documented the built environment once associated with the community. The research and documentation resulted in two components: a series of interpretive panels and a public educational booklet distributed to libraries, schools, and other regional institutions. In developing the materials, CRA emphasized developing a cohesive narrative that explores the history of Lamasco and its influence on the region in a broadly accessible, visually appealing format. The project was coordinated with consulting parties, including the Evansville Department of Parks and Recreation, responsible for installing the developed signage along the Pigeon Creek Greenway.