About This Project

Building Preservation Plan Update for the Estes Kefauver Complex


CRA was retained by Cope Architecture, on behalf of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), to provide historic preservation support for a proposed modernization and reuse program for the Estes Kefauver Federal Building and Courthouse in Nashville, Tennessee. Constructed in 1952, the building was deemed eligible for the National Register of Historic Places in 1997. The goals for the program were to reduce vacancy in the building, modernize the building, retain the elements that make the complex a historically significant piece of architecture, develop a planning strategy that will meet the future workplace needs of GSA customers, comply with GSA facility quality/performance standards and objectives; and develop an implementation plan and budget for the construction phase.


Working alongside Cope and informed by comprehensive documentation of the building, CRA completed a thorough analysis of a Building Preservation Plan (BPP) prepared in 2005 and updated it to make recommendations for the treatment of the property in consideration of the building’s historical and architectural significance. Designed to maximize the preservation of character-defining features, the BPP defined four zones that allowed for variable treatments and provided recommendations for individual components located throughout the building.




Nashville, Tennessee


Cope Architecture, on behalf of U.S. General Services Administration



Architectural History + Historic Preservation, Federal, Tennessee
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