Travis Hurdle, MBA

Tennessee Director of Operations

Tusculum University, MBA

Western Carolina University, B.S. Anthropology

Travis W. Hurdle is the Director of Tennessee Operations and has been in charge of business development and project management since 2011. He has eighteen years of practical experience in the field of cultural resource management. His responsibilities include marketing, client retention, proposal development, report preparation, and project management. Travis has supervised, excavated, and documented hundreds of archaeological sites concentrated in the southeastern United States. His field experience has included reconnaissance level survey, site evaluation, and data recovery. He has successfully managed multi-million dollar projects and has a thorough understanding of both state and federal agency requirements.


Travis completed his undergraduate studies in anthropology, graduating with magna cum laude honors from Western Carolina University in 2006. Additionally, he completed his Master of Business Administration, graduating with high honors from Tusculum University in 2024.


Travis, his lovely wife, Lauren, and their three children reside 30 miles east of Knoxville in the beautiful small town of Dandridge, TN. His interests are his children, playing and coaching sports, and playing guitar.