Dakota Woodard

Field Technician

University of Evansville, BA Archaeology


Dakota Woodard is originally from Los Lunas, New Mexico, where he fostered his interest in the past. He moved to Indiana, where he graduated in 2023 with his Bachelors of Arts in Archaeology at the University of Evansville. He is especially interested in metallurgy as pertaining to blacksmithing in archaeology and enjoys doing hands-on fieldwork. While studying at the University of Evansville he participated in several field schools, including in Ireland excavating a Dominican friary, in Greece excavating a tell at necropolis of Aigai the ancient capital of Macedonia, and in Indiana where he worked to excavate a church in new Harmony and on-campus Tin city an area used as housing for World War II veterans and their families. He also had an internship at the CRA Evansville office which led to him working as a field technician after graduation. 


Outside of archaeology, Dakota has numerous hobbies. He loves to read, especially novels of the fantasy variety. He enjoys hiking, backpacking, and traveling, especially abroad. When home he can often be found playing table top or video games with his friends.